четвъртък, 8 октомври 2009 г.


Susane Karamanova

“Many people want to have a successful career but the problem with having a high income is that you can become handcuffed to a certain lifestyle. For example, private education for children, an expensive home, two cars or luxury holidays seem to some to be a necessary part of life. If you’re not careful, you can begin to find that you see yourself purely in terms of material possessions. On the other hand, would this be a bad thing? Doesn’t everybody ideally want to earn a lot of money? And shouldn’t those who do, be free to spend it as they wish?”

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your magazine article on the subject of successes and would like to share my ideas with you, taking the offered opportunity.

Truly, there is not a single person in the world who does not want to move a few rungs up the professional ladder so as to be more successful and consequently, financially more independent. What is more, money gives you the chance to provide a more comfortable lifestyle to your family and that is what most people strive for. Spending endless hours working in order to increase your earning opportunities rightfully gives you the freedom to spend your money as you wish.

To a certain limited extend, there is some truth in this and no one can deny that every human is the master of their own life. However, relentless focus on the outward markers of success distracts individuals from what truly matters. Being caught in the predicament of wanting to pursue their own needs and ambitions, they often forget the real indicators of happiness such as family, friends, and love. In their attempts to ensure their loved ones contentment, people deprive them of it. Parents turn their children into ones blasting about luxuries such as fancy enough cars, fancy enough mobile phones and fancy enough outfits. Needless to say, measuring success through material possessions may also lead to compromising values and principles, as well as your commitments. As a result of the mentioned above, the world has turned into a world of people enamored with their own success and controlled by materialism.

To sum up, this change in the engine of life is undisputable. However, we would not leave this world with our material possessions so we should consider what is of paramount importance and focus on it. It is the only way of battling the roots of materialism getting deeply implanted in the nation.

Yours faithfully,
Suzane Karamanova

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